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Dental schools in Europe in English
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Dental Schools in Europe in English

It can be difficult to apply for dentistry in your home country and study on Dental Schools in Europe in English. Education is costly, and admission requirements are extremely stringent. Even if you meet all of the requirements for admission to a dentistry program, there is no assurance that you will be accepted. Every year, thousands of students apply for dental school, but only a small percentage are accepted.

This is one of the reasons why so many students prefer to study dentistry or medicine in Europe in English. It is straightforward to apply for a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in another country. Many applicants opt to study dentistry in English in a country other than the United Kingdom or their own country. It is also, in most cases, substantially less expensive. Furthermore, after 5 or 6 years of education, you will have earned your Master’s Degree in Dentistry and can work anywhere in the world!

A dentistry degree earned in the European Union or the European Economic Area will be recognized in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and other countries worldwide. The admission threshold has been lowered drastically. Those who have failed tests or received lower-than-expected results from unanticipated events should rest assured that there is always a way to pursue the degree of their dreams.

It’s an eye-opening experience to settle into the country of your choice and live there for a while. Meeting new people and seeing different cultures will benefit you greatly, as will meeting like-minded students who will gladly assist you. Without student debts, you’ll pay less for rent and other needs and enjoy a more comfortable life.

Which Countries Recognize Dentistry Degrees?

The DMD degree you earn from a European medical school will be recognized worldwide since they adhere to the highest educational standards. After graduation, you can begin working as a dentist. 

According to the General Dental Council in the United Kingdom and the Irish Dental Council, international graduates must have at least 1600 hours of clinical practice as part of their education program. Every dental school in the world meets this prerequisite. You will be eligible to automatically take the Overseas Registration Exam (ORE).

The World Directory of Medical Schools lists all dental schools in Europe, and the World Health Organization recognizes them all. This means that the United States and Canada will recognize your degree and allow you to seek to license. To register as a dentist in Australia, you must have completed a dental degree that comprises at least four years of full-time academic study, whereas dental degrees in Europe last five or six years.

In which countries in Europe can you study dentistry in English?

  • European University Tbilisi in Georgia
  • Sofia Medical University in Bulgaria
  • Plovdiv Medical University in Bulgaria 
  • Medical University of Silesia in Poland 
  • Medical University of Warsaw in Poland
  • Titu Maiorescu University in Romania 
  • Semmelweis University of Medicine in Hungary 
  • Riga Stradins University (RSU) in Latvia 
  • Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Slovakia 
  • Charles University in the Czech Republic 

Dentistry Courses Structure – Europe

Pre-clinical and clinical years are the most common divisions. Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology are covered in more depth in the first few years of study. The clinical years are more hands-on. This is where you’ll get experience and put your technical knowledge to the test you’ve gained at dentistry universities worldwide. Daily, you will interact with patients and treat their dental problems.

You can work anywhere around the globe after you finish your studies! This is a common choice for individuals who want to pursue their goals of studying dentistry but cannot do so due to unforeseen circumstances.

You might find yourself in a better situation than if you had passed up that opportunity. Hundreds, if not thousands, of students make the leap and achieve their objectives reasonably. After all, it might be you.

Is it possible to study dentistry online?

Students who prefer remote learning might take advantage of specific online courses for Dental Schools in Europe in English. Medical Councils worldwide recognize these courses, which are also offered in English. Hundreds of students have already signed up for these online courses, offered only by the Dnipro Medical Institute in Ukraine.

Preclinical subjects from years 1 and 2 of dentistry will be covered through virtual lectures delivered by teaching dentists. Your timetables and curriculums will ensure a smooth learning experience. Virtual classes will be recorded and available for viewing at a later time. There is an online portal where you may access all of your study materials. Exams will be available online as well.

You can either fly to Ukraine and do your clinical rotations there or organize them yourself in your own country throughout your dental clinical years. If you pick the second option, the university will recognize your rotations as long as you present adequate paperwork from your preferred teaching hospital.

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